GREEN VALLEY, Ariz. - Inside one southern Arizona retirement community residents no longer have to leave to get groceries.
The Quail Creek Community is offering its residents a new 'grocery to go' program.
Through the program residents can call into a phone number and order the groceries they'd like.
Epifania Torres, the director of banquets and activities for Quail Creek, told KGUN9 since social distancing measures are still in place, banquets and activities have been put on hold.
Employees who'd typically help put on these banquets and activities are now helping load groceries into the trunks of residents.
Groceries ordered by residents are not coming from grocery stores, instead its being purchased from a distributor that typically provides food for banquets and large-scale activities.
Torres said so far, residents have been responded positively to the service and are grateful they don't have to go far to get what they need.