The Morning Blend


Bachelorette recap: Colton's shocking confession


We get the first group date that included Clay, Nick, Chris, David, Jean Blanc, Jordon, Conner and Lincoln get to the location and Becca takes them into the room and said they are going to get pampered and the room is full of tuxedos for the men to put on. They get undressed right there in front of Becca and us and even though Becca was “trying not to look”, like us, she does and the guys look HOT!

But then they get to an obstacle course that is going to get them wet and dirty! It’s a race to the alter. And former Bachelorette Rachel and her fiancé Brian are there to cheer them on. Lincoln takes the lead but that is because he cheated then basically shoved Dave away to get to the alter first and give Becca the ring. There is even a photog there taking the happy couple’s picture.

At the cocktail party, Becca gives Lincoln a framed picture of them at the alter and Lincoln flaunts it in front of the other guys. Conner was extremely annoyed by this and asked him several times to put it away but he didn’t, so Conner took it and threw it outside where it broke and landed in the pool. Lincoln then went right to Becca and said he felt threatened by Conner. A little dramatic if you ask me.

Back at the house, we find out that Blake will get the 1st one on one date. Blake was the guy who brought out the horse on After the Rose and came in on an Ox last week.

Meanwhile, Becca talks to Conner right away and asks him if he might have overreacted and that she’s looking for a man who can handle stressful situations without lashing out, especially over something like this but doesn’t send him home. She does spend some quality time with Jean Blanc and they seem to have a nice connection and she ends up giving him the group date rose, to Lincoln’s shock.

Blake and Becca get to a run-down looking place and she doesn’t know what they are doing on their date, Chris Harrison planned it. They walk into the warehouse and she sees all these things that Arie and her shared from last season. Even the couch that he broke up with her was there! Turns out it’s a rage room! Then Lil Jon comes out and says they are going to purge away the past and destroy all the memories she had with Arie. Of course he mixes while they do it. Becca finds it so much fun and super therapeutic! Heck yeah, get rid of that anger that was built up!

At dinner, Blake opens up that he was in a similar situation with his last girlfriend. He fell fast and hard and thought she was the one then got blindsided when she broke up with him. He’s open though and knows he can love that much again. They seem to have a good connection and he gets the rose and a kiss. Lots of kissing.

For the 2nd group date, we have Garrett, Ricki, John, Ryan, Alex, Chris, Trent, Leo, Wills and Colton. They get on a school bus and meet Becca at a school. They go into the gym where 3 kids are there throwing dodgeballs at them as they walk in. These kids mean business! They yell at them to go do suicides, then have them try to catch the balls going 50, 70 and 100 mph! Was pretty funny. Then Becca tells them they are now going to play the ultimate Bachelorette Dodgeball game in front of a crowd. And the commentators are Chris Harrison and Fred Willard, who I love! It was best of 3 for the win and the green team won, so they got a trophy but everyone is invited to the cocktail party.

Wills and Becca seem to have some good chemistry and they have a great first kiss. Then, we find out that Colton had a brief relationship with Tia before he came on the show and he needs to tell Becca cause the 2 are good friends.

He tells her it was just a weekend but that she wasn’t what he was looking for and if there was interest on his part for Tia, he wouldn’t have come on the show and sees potential with Becca. Becca feels sick and needs time to process everything cause she sees something in him and is attracted to him. I would think she’ll just call Tia for her side. Remember friends before men! 😊 Becca ends up giving Wills the group date rose.

At the cocktail party, Jordon, the male model decides to stand out by being in just his boxer/briefs, with his shoes on to go talk to Becca. He interrupts Dave and her and once again, proceeds to talk about how he’s so great and wants mini me’s. Wish there was an icon for eyes rolling to the back of your head cause that was what I was doing! Later, Dave gets into with Jordon about how that was disrespectful and went on a bit much about it. Already some rage building up with a number of guys already!

Becca then talks with Colton and said it’s hard cause she does see something with him but until she has clarity, she is going to end up keeping him at arm’s length. She is debating sending him home.

In the end, Ricki, Alex and another guy I didn’t know get sent home and Colton stays for now. BUT next week, Tia is there so can we say AWKWARD!

Until next week, will you accept this rose?

Leslie #Groovelife #TheBachelor #BachelorNation