LifestyleFlu Season


FDA approves new drug for treatment for flu

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LAS VEGAS — For the first time in 20 years, the Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug for the treatment of the flu.  The antiviral drug, called Xofluza, is a single dose treatment.  It is for patients who are 12 or older.  The drug must be taken within 48 hours of symptoms, according to the F.D.A. 

"Very exciting that we have another drug on the market," said Dr. Daliah Wachs.

Xofluza is said to be as effective as Tamiflu in alleviating symptoms.  

"Do I think it's a lifesaver? Potentially yes," said Dr. Wachs.

Unlike earlier drugs, Xofluza is expected to work against drug-resistant strains. It will also shorten the length of the flu.

"The longer you have the flu, the more you are at risk for complications," said Dr. Wachs.

Doctors say it is still critically important for everyone to get vaccinated, especially children and the elderly.