TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN). — Human trafficking is defined as modern-day slavery. January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
Hundreds of people gathered Saturday morning at Reid Park Zoo to spread awareness of human trafficking.
“As a survivor, I was really touched that so many people were willing to walk in my shoes, and for the first time I felt like my life had value and that somebody cared to do that," Angela Marie said.
Angela is a survivor of human trafficking.
The Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said human trafficking has impacted 27 million people around the world, in a report from 2024.
Stacy Rakowitz is a therapist and volunteers with Southern Arizona Against Slavery (SAAS).
“We raise awareness on how to prepare your kids, what to tell your kids to be aware of, what to look for in your friends at school, teachers to look for, employers.." Rakowitz explained.
She also explains the importance of addressing any misconceptions that may exist about human trafficking.
“That a person would have to be taken out of state lines to be considered trafficking, that’s not true. Trafficking can happen in the state, it happens in the United States," Rakowitz said.
That's why a board was up at the walk with notes from survivors about what they wish people knew.

Angela recalled the first time she told somebody about what she had been through. “I called my friend on the way to work and I said I need you to just listen to what I'm saying. You can’t interrupt me because if I don’t tell somebody today I might not ever tell somebody."
"Tucson supports Tucson," Angela said. "The turnout is bigger than last year, and I'm happy and proud that Tucson cares," she said.
This is the second year that this walk has happened.
There are Human Trafficking resources for Arizonans, and the National Human Trafficking Hotline has numerous resources for anyone who needs them.