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Water being restored to Yuma prison housing 4,300 inmates

Lead found in 20 percent of baby food samples, report says
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YUMA, Ariz. (AP) - Full water service is being restored to the state prison in Yuma housing about 4,300 inmates after pump failures drastically reduced available water over the weekend.

The Arizona Department of Corrections said Monday morning that repairs to one of two wells where pumps failed are complete. Water service is expected to be fully restored by the end of the day.

Department spokesman Andrew Wilder says repairs on the second well's pump could be completed Tuesday.

One well failed Saturday and then pumps on a second failed Sunday morning. Prison officials cut service to units housing about 3,300 prisoners when storage tank levels dropped. Prisoners were supplied with bottled water.

The state prison in Douglas lost water service for three days earlier this month because of problems with its county-provided supply.

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